Why do you celebrate Easter or is it Resurrection Sunday

Good Friday and Easter Sunday can mean something different for me then is does for you. The fresh air of spring, warm sunshine and flowers coming up are all signs of spring. But is that all there is to Easter? There are people that look forward to painting eggs and hunting for them after; but is there more meaning behind this day than what we think? Easter may mean nothing more than another holiday to possibly go to church for some. But to me, this day stands for much more than that.
The real reason for Good Friday and Easter is Jesus’ Death and Resurrection!
Now before you say, what is so exciting about a death and how could that be better than the excitement of spring, colourful Easter eggs and chocolate?? Don’t get me wrong I like spring to and the beautiful weather and flowers. Let me tell you about something that is more exciting than that! It is about Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. The death of Christ is what brings joy and meaning to this season. What is so exciting about a death? This wasn’t just any death; it was the death of Jesus Christ! But he didn’t stay dead, he rose victoriously! To give eternal life to anyone that would believe and accept his gift.
Jesus died to give us Eternal life. This is wonderful news, which should cause us great excitement! Good Friday may have ended sad; but Resurrection Sunday changed everything! Jesus lived a perfect life so that he could pay the price for our sins. To be able to celebrate the Resurrection should bring us great joy and peace. Our sins have been forgiven; we have been made right with God the Father. HALLELUJAH!
To have heard him say “IT IS FINISHED” on the cross and die; but praise God he did not stay dead, he arose! Jesus was willing to go through all that because of the great love he has for us. Now we may hear him say “come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” Matt 11:28. What glorious words!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3