Sometimes our lives get loud and noisy. We forget to make time to just be quiet, listen to the Lord and hear what He has to say. GFA Discipleship students participate in the biblical and time-tested practice of solitude. Sunday Solitude is an occasionally a monthly scheduled time of seeking the Lord in the quiet. What does it look like?

For Sunday Solitude, students and some of the GFA Discipleship team will gather together first to pray. There will be a short time of worship to get hearts set upon the Lord. A student will share a few Bible verses that have impacted them recently and how God has used those verses in their life. This brief time of sharing is a starting point as everyone enters this time alone with the Lord. Everyone disperses to find a quiet place, inside or outside, to be alone with God for about an hour and a half.
Times like these are different than a typical devotion or prayer time. Students turn off their phones, and with a Bible, pen and journal, sit alone with the Lord and hear what He says. After the time is up, everyone gathers back and are encouraged as some share things the Lord spoke to them. The event closes with a couple songs song and prayer.
Here are a few of the encouraging things shared during the last Sunday Solitude:
He’s not asking us to be something He’s not already. He’s asking us to be like Him.
God desires to change us, if we will let Him.
For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you’.
Isaiah 41:13
No matter what we go through, God will be there with us. He will never leave us.