Do you struggle to find meaning in the mundane, ordinary parts of life?
It is difficult to see that God is present in everything we do! We don’t think about worshipping God when sending emails, making our bed or brushing our teeth. But what if each of these boring routine things mattered? Whether we realize it or not each of us is shaped by the unnoticed habits of our daily lives.
Making Your Bed
What is your morning routine? How does it shape your day? Most of us start our day in a rush to get out the door and complete our to do list. We don’t take time to remember whose we are and that we belong to something bigger than ourselves. In the beginning God created the world and brought chaos into order. We also can start our day by bringing order to our lives. Whether or not you make your bed in the morning might not seem like a big deal, but an unmade bed can be a reflection of your day to day life. Does making your bed actually have an impact on your life?
If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right.
Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Seal William H. McCraven

By starting your morning with a made bed you are setting the tone for the rest of the day.
Brushing Your Teeth
The Bible tells us our bodies have a vital role in worship. Taking care of our bodies is important because we are the temple of God. Jesus came to earth in a physical human body so that our bodies could be redeemed. We wouldn’t neglect to care for the building we worship God in, yet we often misuse our bodies forgetting we are His place of worship. No matter how much we might dislike brushing our teeth it can become an activity in which we remember and worship our creator.

When I stand before the sink brushing my teeth and seeing my reflection in the mirror, I want it to be an act of blessing, where I remember these teeth I’m brushing are made by God for a good purpose, that my body is inseparable from my soul and that both deserve care.
Tish Harrison Warren, Author of Liturgy of the Ordinary
Sending Emails
How is worship linked with my work? It is common to think that in our lives, worship and work are separate. But we see in scripture that what we do here on earth will affect eternity. They are inseparable. We don’t work to build our earthly kingdom but rather we are joining with God to build His kingdom. God isn’t only present in our favourite activities but also when we do the tasks we don’t like with a joyful attitude. It seems meaningless to sit in front of a computer screen and send emails all day…But what if we offered it as worship to God?

Our faithfulness in the mindless tasks that seem unimportant, will grow to impact the world, moment-by-moment, day-by-day, throughout the long haul of the Christian life.
Want to discover how you can embrace the ordinary moments of your daily life?
I learned the importance of focusing on God’s kingdom in each experience of my daily life.
Discipleship Program alumna
GFA Discipleship Program is an opportunity for you to come away for a time and learn to worship God in ordinary life within a community committed to following in the footsteps of Christ.